Iul&Co. 2009-2024  
Iul arrives in Rome at time when Raphael of Urbino make one of the frescoes in the Vatican rooms with: "School of Athens" (that we see in the image above). He notes in the interior painted the portrait of Raphael, on the right almost aloof; Leonardo at the center in the form of man with a beard and also recognizes Michelangelo because he has just met in a hall of St. Peter, portrait almost in the middle in the front row, sitting deep in thought, but does not know who the other. It escapes then the Fresco sense that everything seems except a school. 
The teacher tells him who painted the great figures of the sixteenth century in the shoes of the greatest of the past of ancient Greece as: Socrates, Plato, Euclid, Heraclitus, etc. 
Plato, for example, has the face of Leonardo, Michelangelo Heraclitus, the architect Bramante, Euclid. He also explains that he has portrayed in this fresco a greek temple model with characters of the present (the present of Raphael, is Sixteenth century) to praise the greatness of Pope Julius II della Rovere who wanted to rebuild the greatness that was ancient Greece and Rome. 
The pope had to destroy the ancient basilica of St. Peter to give rise to new models with the Renaissance and was a great supporter of artists. Thanks to him, they were thus able to do works chased the unattainable perfection.  
The Rome of Julius II from the artistic point of view, it was really a great school like the one in Athens and the comparison of Raphael it is not at all exaggerated. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the artists were able to learn from the frescoes commissioned by Pope Julius II as well as the sculptures and architecture which he supported, important lessons can inspire them to other works of great value. 
Falsi d'Autore Giulio Romano